From the toolbar you can perform the following functions: Moving Lead To Another Folder, Adding A Lead, Deleting A Lead, Exporting Data.
If for any reason you want to delete a lead or a group of leads you can do so by following these steps:
the desired lead to delete by placing a check mark beside the number next
to their name in the ID column. You may select as many leads as you like.
You may
de-select a lead by clicking on the check mark.
If you want to select the entire list then click on the ID check box
on the header row
the Delete Lead button on the
on the OK button to confirm the deletion
Moving a lead to another folder.
1. Select the lead or leads by clicking on the check box to the left of the lead.
2. Using the Move To Folder drop down list select the folder you want your lead moved to.
3. The lead will now be in the specified folder.
1. Select the folder into which you want to add a lead.
2. Click the Add Lead button on the tool bar.
3. This will bring up the Add Lead window.
4. Fill in the information for the lead.
5. Click on Send An Email.
6. This will bring up the Email Window.
7. Click on Send.
8. The lead will now be added to the selected folder and an email notification will be send to the lead.
1. Select the folder form which you want the data exported.
2. Click on the export data button.
3. The File Download window will be opened.
4. You can now save or open the CSV file.
5. Note that all the pages will be exported.